Saturday, May 31, 2008

Officially Retired


I painted our logo on the back gym wall several years ago. We are the East Clinton Pioneers. Go pioneers!

I had a cabinet brought in to hold recess games and portfolio worksheets and a friend painted a locker theme on the doors, including a jersey with my name on it! Hopefully the next teacher will not notice it's my name!

Here is a picture of the gym where the equipment is stored. I have the other half of the equipment stored in my office so the floors can be waxed over the summer.

Eight and a half years of teaching are in these crates.

I'm officially retired. Last Friday was my last day of school and employment. I have been waiting and planning for this day for almost two years. The one thing I wasn't planning on was the feeling of loss that I would experience when I turned in my keys and walked out for the last time as a PE teacher. I was fine until I turned my keys over to my principal. Tears of joy and sadness were shed. East Clinton has been my home away from home for so many years. The way I have felt the past week caught me totally off guard. I haven't like doing anything. I didn't even check my email, blog or participate in my on-line scrappin' class, things I do on a daily basis! The last couple of days have been feeling better and I'm shaking off this "funk" I'm feeling. I have never doubted this is what I needed to do, but this grieving period was not planned! It never crossed my mind!

I am very excited in my new role as a full-time mom. With ten hours added back to my day, I look forward to de-cluttering my house and establishing and keeping order in the home. I also look forward to going grocery shopping during the day (instead of cramming it into a Saturday),staying on top of the laundry, having time to prepare and actually cook dinner for my family (on a daily basis!)and actaully having time to scrapbook are just a few things I plan on doing first!
But the most important thing I'm going to focus on and enjoy in my "retirement" is my family.
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the Villamor's said...

You have officially closed that chapter in your life. What will the next one be called??
"My life at home" or
"New job: Head dipper at the DipDog":)

Granny's Blog said...

You really have a talent for expressing yourself. My mother, the English major, would be proud of you too. I hope the "funk" is all gone now. I love you, mom.

Beth said...

I have so many fond and not so fond memories of that gym! Mr. Self was my PE teacher at East Clinton. I think you replaced him?

We always played "dice" a game where we'd roll these 2 huge di(?) and then if it landed on your number you had to run across the gym and not get tagged. I HATED the game in kindergarten because I didn't quite understand it so Mom made me a fake set of dice and had my cousins play the game with me until I understood it and liked it... aren't moms great?

Wow, I miss some things about childhood, even that hot little gym with the weird ceiling!

Brandie Lyon said...

I'm glad you get to stay home now, but you still won't have time to do all those things, especially in the summer with kids home.

Grandma K said...

Congratulations and best wishes for a wonderful "Retirement". I know you will enjoy it and I hope you get all that stuff done that you plan to.
Margy K

Amy B. said...

I hope your over your funk now. I totally understand what your going through. When I left my job to be a SAHM I had a complete melt down. I thought I would be happy and enjoy life so much more but I cried for the first month after leaving. Then when my old boss called and asked me to bring the key that I forgot to clean it that made it even harder on me. It was hard to hand it over like it was nothing. I hope things are going better for you and just keep swimming!

Dawn, said...

Amazing... you look FABULOUS for an ole' retired gal, giggle. Congratulations. I too worked as needed during our marriage but now that I am blessed to stay home full time, I have never regretted it. Just always remember, the prophets themselves have recommended your new 'career' choice... SAHM... domestic engineer!! Enjoy yourself!!

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